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Author: Admin Date: Apr 02, 2019

Scientific stacking, attention points for storing iron drums

When iron barrels are stored, in order to save the warehouse area, iron barrels are often stacked, but incorrect stacking methods often cause unnecessary damage to iron barrels.

Iron barrels should be stacked upright and should not be turned upside down. Because inversion will make the iron drum and the body of the iron drum contact each other, which will not only cause wear on the body of the drum, but also damage the surface coating. More importantly, the iron drum body has very little resistance to external high pressure, and it is easy to cause the concave deformation of the drum body during stacking.

When iron drums are stacked upright, the bottom should be padded with a pallet, mainly to prevent the bottom of the drum from being easily damp and rusted when it directly touches the ground. In the middle of each layer of stacking, a buffer layer such as corrugated cardboard should be placed to prevent the upper layer and the lower layer of iron drums from directly contacting the worn surface.

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